Business law & Litigation

Proven experience of B&P Corporate Law promotes an accompanying companies in the concrete implementation of their development plans, while ensuring the legal monitoring of their operations more common.

B&P is involved in litigation related to business law, for any and all forms of procedures and before all types of courts.

For example, B&P has been in disputes arising in connection with the operations of acquisitions and merger, including the implementation of shareholders ' agreements, guarantees, liability, management liability, litigation, banking... The day before case law inherent in the litigation is a valuable tool for the identification and prevention in the context of the structuring and implementation of the operations of capital investment.

B&P also develops and proven expertise for all the advice and litigation relating to companies in difficulty, both in the phase of prevention (mandat ad hoc conciliation) in the follow-up of collective actions (backup, recovery, liquidation), for the account of the company or its creditors, including the bank.